year 17, Issue 2 (March - April 2023)                   Iran J Med Microbiol 2023, 17(2): 202-210 | Back to browse issues page

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Fatahi S M, Khanizadeh S, Safarzadeh A, Alamdary A, Razavi Nikoo H, Mohammadi R, et al . The Effect of SARS-COV-2 Infection on the Hematological Markers. Iran J Med Microbiol 2023; 17 (2) :202-210
1- Student Research Committee, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran
2- Department of Virology, School of Medicine, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran
3- Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
4- Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
5- Infectious Disease Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran
6- Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Nutrition, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran
7- Blood Transfusion Research Center, High Institute for Research and Education in Transfusion Medicine, Tehran, Iran ,
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In December 2019, a group of people was diagnosed with pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, China. Currently, the disease is known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and caused hospitalization and death to the life of millions throughout the world (1, 2). Most of the people infected by SARS-CoV-2 demonstrate no severe symptoms and suffer from mild clinical manifestations. At the same time in some patients, it can drive to life-threatening complications such as acute respiratory failure, septic shock, and dysfunction in multiple organs (3, 4).
During the initial stages of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), when the symptoms are nonspecific, the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes in peripheral blood is normal or slightly declined. After the viremia and increasing complications, substantial leukopenia and lymphopenia will occur (5, 6). SARS-CoV-2 can infect T lymphocytes through the interaction with CD147 and promotes the dysfunction of these cells (7, 8). Lymphopenia is more frequent in deceased patients compared with survived ones (9). Moreover, cytokine storm can be distinguished due to the elevation of interleukin levels, particularly IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, MCP-1, MIP1-a, and TNFα, which might drive to apoptosis of lymphocytes (10-12). The inflammatory responses affect the respiratory system, ultimately followed by respiratory distress (13, 14).
A decline in Hb count and a significant increase of the levels of serum ferritin, albumin, ESR, CRP and LDH are seen in many COVID-19 patients. These studies confirm that concurrent with diminishing the Hb levels, the levels of iron ions face an increase leading to the accumulation of iron and, ultimately, inflammation in multiple organs (15-17).
One of the hematological parameters associating with COVID-19 is platelet count, which can give us prognostic information regarding a patient’s condition. Thrombocytopenia has been reported in 55% of COVID-19 patients during the acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak and was detected as a huge risk factor for mortality (18, 19).
As suffering from COVID-19 can affect hematological parameters, monitoring and analyzing these factors can contribute substantially to more sufficient therapies. The current study aims to assess the hematological parameters, including the levels of ESR, BS, Hb and HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBC, RBC, platelet, neutrophil, and lymphocyte in COVID-19 patients and compare them with healthy cases. Given the significance of them in human health and their vast roles in causing health disorders, monitoring these factors can lead to a better understanding of patient conditions and more efficient treatments.


Materials and Methods

Subjects and Methods

Our study population comprises 200 individuals from the Shohadaye Ashayer Hospital of Khorramabad, Iran, between 20 March 2021 and 20 June 2021 who underwent laboratory tests and CT scans for COVID-19 diagnostic purposes. Ultimately, 100 individuals owning negative COVID-19 tests (control group) and 100 confirmed COVID-19 inpatients (case group) were chosen randomly and compared concerning the hematological profile. The risk factors of smoking, drug use, chronic blood and lung diseases, and asthma were investigated in two groups, which none of the people had a history of them.
After receiving the informed consent from all participants (Ethic code: IR.LUMS.REC.1399.332), we collected 5 mL venous blood for EDTA-containing tubes and 5 mL without EDTA. Then, blood samples containing EDTA were utilized for the ESR test by the Westergren method and blood cell count by a Sysmex cell counter. The serum isolated from the EDTA-free blood sample was employed to measure the BS by blood sugar test kit (Man Company, Iran) and the AutoAnalyzer. 
The COVID-19 positive cases were diagnosed using qRT-PCR method (Sansure Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit).

Statistical Analysis

The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 26 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., USA) and the descriptive data are presented for nominal and quantitative data. The Chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests were used to analyze the nominal data. All the quantitative data was primarily analyzed for the normal distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test. The independent t-test was used for quantitative data with normal distribution, and P values under 0.05 were considered statistically significant.



In our study, 107 individuals were males creating 53.5% of the total (46 individuals were diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, and 61 were negative). The median age of infected and healthy men was 54.33 and 49.61, respectively. During the current study, 93 individuals were female, comprising 46.5% of the total (54 individuals were diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, and 39 individuals were negative). The median age of infected and healthy women was 56.11 and 54.77, respectively.
The clinical manifestations such as fever, cough, muscle aches, diminished level of consciousness, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, and diarrhea were compared the control and case groups (Table 1).

Table 1. Clinical manifestations of the control and case groups.

Groups P-value*
Fever No 100(100) 51(51) <0.001
Yes 0(0.00) 49(49)
Cough No 100(100) 51(51) <0.001
Yes 0(0.00) 49(49)
Muscle pain No 100(100) 74(74) <0.001
Yes 0(0.00) 26(26)
Diminished level of consciousness No 100(100) 97(97) 0.246
Yes 0(0.00) 3(3)
Headache No 100(100) 98(98) 0.497
Yes 0(0.00) 2(2)
Dizziness No 100(100) 99(99) 1.000
Yes 0(0.00) 1(1)
Abdominal pain No 100(100) 99(99) 1.000
Yes 0(0.00) 1(1)
Diarrhea No 100(100) 99(99) 1.000
Yes 0(0.00) 1(1)

* Fisher Exact Test

 According to Table 1, there is a significant difference between the clinical manifestations, including fever (P<0.001), cough (P<0.001), and muscle pain (P<0.001) of patients and healthy individuals. There is a diminished level of consciousness (3 cases), headache (2 cases), dizziness (1 case), abdominal pain (1 case), and diarrhea (1 case) in the patient’s group. In contrast, none of them was observed in the control group. Moreover, we found that neither participant in both group showed anosmia, dysgeusia, convulsions, limb paralysis, dermal lesion, nausea, vomiting, and anorexia.
Hematological parameters and their comparisons between both groups are indicated in Table 2

Table 2. Hematological parameters of the control and case groups.

Variables Group N Mean SD P value*
ESR Control 61 26.16 21.576 0.003
Case 73 37.75 25.022
BS Control 65 131.66 81.322 0.4
Case 64 126.06 62.756
WBC Control 99 8.624 8.7085 0.393
Case 98 7.772 4.3896
RBC Control 99 4.709 .8748 0.026
Case 98 4.455 .7001
Hb Control 99 14.265 2.9957 0.060
Case 98 13.577 2.0016
HCT Control 99 40.470 6.9397 0.017
Case 98 38.321 5.5032
MCV Control 99 86.479 6.8003 0.956
Case 98 86.433 4.7087
Control 99 30.607 3.0451 0.825
Case 98 30.521 2.3233
Control 99 35.387 2.0143 0.847
Case 98 35.333 1.9249
Platelet Control 99 208.11 78.685 0.302
Case 98 196.19 82.887
Neutrophil Control 97 62.51 24.094 0.154
Case 98 67.28 22.389
Lymphocytes Control 97 24.52 12.450 0.188
Case 98 22.05 13.586

* Independent t-test.

According to Table 2, infection with SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates a significant correlation with ESR (P=0.003), RBC (P=0.026), and HCT (P=0.017) levels. Furthermore, the Hb level in the case group was decreased compared to the control group, although the difference was not significant (P>0.05). 
Hematological parameters in the case and control groups are presented in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1. ESR, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Neutrophi, and Lymphocytes counts in the case and control groups. 

Figure 2. WBC, RBC and Hb counts in the case and control groups.

Figure 1. ESR, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Neutrophi, and Lymphocytes counts in the case and control groups.

Figure 2. WBC, RBC and Hb counts in the case and control groups.


Hematological parameters and their comparisons between females and males belonging to the case and control groups are demonstrated in Table 3.
According to Table 3, there is a significant correlation between the infection with SARS-CoV-2 and the levels of ESR (P=0.022), BS (P=0.010), and Hb (P=0.032) in male patients. Unlike the total comparison (Table 2), there was no significant correlation between RBC levels with genders (P>0.05). Furthermore, we found no significant correlation between infection with SARS-CoV-2 and gender of the patients.

Table 3. Hematological parameters of female and male participants.

                        Female                          Male
Variable Group N Mean SD P value N Mean SD P value
ESR Control 24 26.83 22.327 0.066 37 25.73 21.376 0.022
Case 34 37.32 25.205 39 38.13 25.184
BS Control 26 126.92 106.443 0.211 39 134.82 60.485 0.010
Case 37 142.73 76.985 27 103.22 19.989
WBC Control 39 7.738 4.3031 0.504 60 9.200 10.6388 0.841
Case 53 7.285 3.7502 45 8.347 5.0234
Control 39 4.515 .8978 0.273 60 4.835 .8433 0.146
Case 53 4.328 .6500 45 4.604 .7342
Control 39 13.026 2.9415 0.745 60 15.070 2.7676 0.032
Case 53 13.204 1.9856 45 14.016 1.9515
Control 39 38.354 6.7886 0.457 60 41.845 6.7401 0.050
Case 53 37.406 5.3931 45 39.400 5.4946
Control 39 85.700 7.1675 0.287 60 86.985 6.5622 0.294
Case 53 87.008 4.5169 45 85.756 4.8888
Control 39 29.597 3.1452 0.105 60 31.263 2.8141 0.142
Case 53 30.528 2.3049 45 30.513 2.3708
Control 39 34.556 1.9125 0.174 60 35.927 1.9056 0.396
Case 53 35.104 1.8829 45 35.602 1.9599
Platelet Control 39 204.97 82.296 0.590 60 210.15 76.883 0.405
Case 53 196.13 73.870 45 196.27 93.258
Neutrophil Control 38 57.95 25.780 0.393 59 65.44 22.684 0.055
Case 53 62.72 26.439 45 72.64 14.982
Lymphocytes Control 38 27.55 11.505 0.085 59 22.56 12.735 0.580
Case 53 22.85 13.501 45 21.11 13.778


Table 4. A comparison between the hematological parameters in diabetic patients afflicted by COVID-19.

Variables Diabetes N Mean SD P value
ESR Yes 8 65.25 24.973 0.001
No 65 34.37 23.021
BS Yes 5 194.40 104.598 0.010
No 59 120.27 55.557
WBC Yes 10 9.360 4.7331 0.229
No 88 7.592 4.3409
RBC Yes 10 4.050 .8462 0.053
No 88 4.501 .6718
Hb Yes 10 12.280 2.5041 0.030
No 88 13.724 1.8982
Hematocrit Yes 10 34.980 6.6476 0.042
No 88 38.701 5.2693
MCV Yes 10 86.680 5.1346 0.862
No 88 86.405 4.6888
MCH Yes 10 30.300 1.5506 0.752
No 88 30.547 2.4006
MCHC Yes 10 35.010 1.6003 0.579
No 88 35.369 1.9629
Platelet Yes 10 224.40 101.996 0.258
No 88 192.99 80.511
Neutrophil Yes 10 80.50 10.845 0.048
No 88 65.77 22.898
Lymphocytes Yes 10 15.20 10.337 0.093
No 88 22.83 13.738

According to Table 4, such parameters, including ESR levels (P=0.001), BS (P=0.010), Hb (P=0.030), HCT (P=0.042), and neutrophil (P=0.048), demonstrate a significant correlation with SARS-CoV-2 infection in diabetic patients. Moreover, lymphocyte levels face a substantial decline, but no significant correlation exists (P=0.093).
There was a significant correlation between RBC values (P=0.025), Hb (P=0.005), HCT (P=0.020), and the requirement to the intubation. Patients requiring intubation experienced lower levels of all mentioned hematological characteristics. Lymphocyte level indicated no significant correlation, although it was diminished dramatically in patients requiring intubation (9%).
Moreover, our data analysis indicated a significant correlation of BS (P=0.021) with respiratory distress in COVID-19 patients (comprising 52% of total cases). The levels of lymphocyte and platelet were slightly lower in patients affected by respiratory distress, although differences were not significant (p>0.05). Furthermore, neutrophil levels faced a slight increase in these patients (70.81 vs. 63.28%).




According to previous studies, clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients mainly comprise fever, dry cough, and fatigue (20-22). During the current study, we have recorded these clinical manifestations frequently in the patients affected by SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, other clinical presentations, such as diminished levels of consciousness, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, anosmia, dysgeusia, convulsions, limb paralysis, dermal lesion, nausea, vomiting, and anorexia, have been analyzed in both the control and COVID-19 affected patients. Our results indicated no significant correlation between the clinical manifestations of these two groups. Although, by worsening the disease, some of these clinical manifestations, including diminished levels of consciousness, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, have been experienced in some patients. The severity of these manifestations indicates a correlation with the severity of the disease. In this study, we observed that the dominant strains of virus are alpha (B.1.1.7) variants. Also, we conducted a study and compared the laboratory findings and clinical manifestations of patients affected by the SARS-CoV-2 and healthy participants.
A slight WBC decline was observed in the case group, but it led to no significant correlation. However, augmenting the severity of the disease led to a further drop in the WBC level. In respect of this drop, encountering some viruses, including SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2, can result in lymphopenia due to the active roles of lymphocytes against the viruses (23-25). The results acquired from the autopsy of the patients afflicted by the SARS-CoV-2 illustrated the necrosis of lymphatic tissues (including spleen and lymph nodes) and diminished bone marrow hematopoiesis levels (26). We found that patients with less WBC decline own a greater chance of recovery. Previous studies have elucidated that deceased patients have experienced more significant lymphopenia than surviving ones (20), and the ratio of lymphocyte/WBCs of patients afflicted by severe COVID-19 demonstrates a decline compared to recovered patients (27, 28). Also, the increase of lymphocytes has been reported seven days after the outset of symptoms in recovered individuals, contrary to deceased ones (29). Therefore, constant monitoring of lymphocyte counts may play a substantial role as an influential prognostic factor for the disease outcomes. A model based on lymphocyte counts has been proposed by Tan et al. whereby patients owning less than 20% and 5% lymphocyte during 10-12 days and 17-19 days of symptoms outset, respectively, demonstrate the worst prognosis (30).
According to the study conducted by Guan et al. concerning the clinical presentations of 1099 COVID-19 patients, approximately 83% of patients were diagnosed with lymphocytopenia, 36.2% with thrombocytopenia, and 33.7% with leukopenia. These percentages reach 96.1%, 57.7%, and 61.1%, respectively in patients experiencing severe clinical presentations (21).
It has been revealed that the risk of ARDS is directly correlated with increased and diminished counts of neutrophils and lymphocytes, respectively, and expanding the number of neutrophils is associated with an increased mortality rate (9). In the current study, despite no significant correlation between neutrophil and lymphocyte percentage in the patients experiencing ARDS compared to those without ARDS, the lower median of lymphocytes in ARDS-affected individuals (20.44) compared with individuals without this clinical manifestation (23.87) was recorded. Furthermore, the median of neutrophils was increased in ARDS-affected individuals (70.81) compared to those suffering from no ARDS (63.28). We have recorded no significant correlation between respiratory distress and platelet. However, the median was lower in patients suffering from respiratory distress (184.85 vs. 209.02). Therefore, the current study confirms that the levels of disease severity correlate with diminished levels of platelet and lymphocyte and the expanded number of neutrophils. In our study, ARDS was significantly correlated with BS levels in COVID-19 patients. Other studies confirm lymphocytopenia and mild thrombocytopenia in 69 and 20% of COVID-19 patients, respectively (31, 32).
Fan et al. have discovered that lymphocyte count was dramatically diminished in patients requiring intensive care unit (ICU) support at baseline (31). In another study comprising 52 patients suffering from severe COVID-19 in Wuhan, lymphopenia was reported in 85% of patients (33). During the current study, patients requiring intubation and ICU admission experienced declined levels of lymphocyte. However, there was not a significant correlation in comparison with patients who did not need intubation. The mean lymphocyte level was 9.00 and 22.46 in intubated and non-intubated individuals, respectively. Also, there was no significant correlation between the neutrophil level and intubation. We have found a significant correlation between intubation and the levels of RBC, BS, Hb, and HCT; except BS, which faced a significant increase, other mentioned hematological parameters have declined in individuals who underwent intubation.
In the current study, a significant correlation was detected between the presence of diabetes in COVID-19 patients and the levels of ESR, BS, Hb, neutrophil, and HCT. Diabetes can elevate the risk of infection and mortality in acute infections. Previous studies have revealed that the possibility of developing severe COVID-19 in diabetic patients ranges between 14 and 32% (9, 20, 21, 34-37). A study of 138 COVID-19 patients conducted by Wang et al. has illustrated that 72% of diabetic patients required ICU admission (20). During the current study, diabetic patients experienced a severe type of disease and required ICU admission. 
The expression of ACE2 on the cells of pancreatic islets attracts the SARS-CoV-1 virus and raises the BS in nondiabetic individuals (38). Thus SARS-CoV-2 may also infect these cells since it has similar receptors as SARS-CoV-1 and drives to the disruption and increase of BS regulation.



The infection by COVID-19 would be followed by diverse clinical manifestations, including fever, cough, fatigue, muscle aches, diarrhea, vomiting, and others. However, these clinical manifestations will not be detected in all patients. Profound changes in hematological parameters are detectable, which would be augmented by COVID-19 progress. Drastic decreases of hematological parameters such as lymphocyte, RBC, WBC, platelet, Hb, and HCT elevate the mortality rate substantially. In contrast, the increased levels of neutrophil and BS are associated with the severity of the disease. Diabetes, the required intubation, and respiratory manifestations such as ARDS are correlated with vast alterations of some hematological parameters. Assessing of underlying medical conditions, clinical manifestations, and hematological parameters can significantly select the right and sufficient therapeutic directions at the disease’s outset. During their treatment, they can also enhance the current therapeutic methods and be employed as a valuable prognostic factor of patient condition.



We would like to thank the Hepatitis Research Center of the Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Lorestan, Iran, and the staff of the Shohada Ashayer Hospital, who helped us conduct this study.



Ethical Approval

This study was accepted by the ethical committee of the Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects (Ethic code: IR.LUMS.REC.1399.332).


Author Contributions

 Conception and design: Mehdi Ajorloo; data collection: Seyed Majid Fatahi, Annahita Ghalandarian; statistical analyses: Rasool Mohammadi, Sayyad Khanizadeh; writing of manuscript: Seyed Majid Fatahi, Ali Safarzadeh, Ashkan Alamdary, Hadi Razavi Nikoo; revising the article for important intellectual content; and final approval: all authors



Financial resources for the design of the present study and writing the manuscript are provided by Lorestan University of Medical Sciences.


Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Medical Virology
Received: 2022/08/28 | Accepted: 2022/12/26 | ePublished: 2023/03/30

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