year 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2011)                   Iran J Med Microbiol 2011, 4(4): 14-20 | Back to browse issues page

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Bayat P, Kalantar Hormozi E. Effects of unletheal dose of Listeria monocytogenes on abortion and fetal abnormalities in haploid Balb/c mice . Iran J Med Microbiol 2011; 4 (4) :14-20
1- Department of anatomy, school of medicine, Arak University of medical sciences, Arak, Iran
2- Department of microbiology, school of medicine, Arak University of medical sciences, Arak, Iran
Abstract:   (15469 Views)
Background and Objectives: Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive, facultatively intracellular, non spore forming bacillus and enters a human body after ingestion of contaminated foods such as milk products, meats and vegetables. Epidemiological studies were shown that this bacterium is the cause of abortion and fetal abnormalities in a human. Although the immunological aspect of listeriosis was much studied experimentally during pregnancy, it needs to be studied from the viewpoints of bacteriology and embryology as well. In this study, haploid mice, the sensitive model to listeriosis was used to evaluate abortion and fetal abnormalities caused by experimental listeria infection.
Materials and Methods: Unlethal dose of different serotypes (1/2a, 1/2b,4ab, 4a, 4c, 4d ) of L. monocytogenes was determined in mice. Seventy inbred BALB/c gestating pregnant mice were divided in two groups as a control and a test group. In control group, mice were injected intraperitoneally with normal saline and in test group mice were injected with 200µl of 1/2 logCFU/ ml L. monocytogenes. On day zero of pregnancy to 30, a few numbers of mice were randomly selected to remove their uterus after sedation. The position and number of placenta were checked and counted. They were compared with the position and number of fetuses in each uterus to determine the number of abortions. Remaining pregnant mice were delivered by cesarean section on day 24 of pregnancy to determine contaminated organs, size of organs, abortion numbers, embryo weights, embryo abnormalities during the first hour of delivery. Groups comparison was made by Post Hoc .
Results: Injection of different serotypes of L.monocytogenes in equal concentrations showed no death in pregnant mice in both test and control groups. There was a significant difference (P≤ 0.05) in abortion rates between test and control groups that were injected with suspension of L.monocytogenes strain 4b. There were also no significant differences in weight and height of fetuses in both groups. No fetal abnormalities were observed in heads, number of fingers and size of the organs in the embryos of all mice groups.
Conclusion: No significant differences in weights and heights in the embryos of pregnant mice were observed. In both test and control groups the abortion rates were found to be significantly different.
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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Medical Bacteriology
Received: 2013/10/23 | Accepted: 2013/11/10 | ePublished: 2013/11/10

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