Falahi S, Soleimanjahi H, Kalantar E, Kenar koohi O, Saki A. Evaluation of acute CMV infection prevalence in kidney transplant recipients using PCR and indirect immunofluorescent techniques. Iran J Med Microbiol 2009; 3 (2 and 3) :61-65
1- Department of virology, Student Research committee, faculty of medical sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of virology, faculty of medical sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , soleim_h@modares.ac.ir
3- Department of virology, faculty of medical sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran 3)Department of Laboratory Science, faculty of medical sciences, Iran University of Medical Science TehranIran
4- Department of Biostatistics, Student Research committee, faculty of medical sciences, Tarbiat Modares University-Theran-Iran
Abstract: (12131 Views)
Background and Objectives: Cytomegalo virus is one of the most important viruses that its presence in
transplant recipients has been surveyed. This virus can led to the severe disease or death. The prevalence of
CMV infections in transplant recipients varies from one country to another. Indirect immunofluorescent
method represents the virus multiplication and active infection, while PCR technique shows the presence of
virus. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of active CMV infection in kidney transplant
recipients using PCR and indirect immunofluorescent methods based on the season, age, and sex variables.
Material and Methods: samples from kidney recipients admitted to Gholhak laboratory during year 2006
and 2007 from all over Iran. This study was performed using PCR technique and indirect
immunofluorescent method ( PP65 antigenemia assay). The results were analyzed by Chi2and lojestic
Results: In total 923 samples were investigated. Seventy one (7.7%) and 323(35%) of samples were positive
by antigenemia and PCR respectively. There was no correlation between CMV infection and age or sex of
the patients (p >0.05). However there was a correlation between presence of virus and season in either used
methods of study, which was statistically significant inthe spring. The spring has meaningfull (p =0.01).
Conclusion: Positive results obtained by PCR were more than antigenemia and this shows the higher
sensitivity of this method to detect viral infection . we found no correlation between viral infection and sex
or age by tested methods, but the infection rate had significant increase during spring
Type of Study:
Original Research Article |
Medical Virology Received: 2013/11/22 | Accepted: 2013/11/22 | ePublished: 2013/11/22