year 15, Issue 4 (July - August 2021)                   Iran J Med Microbiol 2021, 15(4): 465-476 | Back to browse issues page

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Alavinezhad S S, Kazempoor R, Ghorbanzadeh A, Gharekhani A. Isolation of Aeromonas hydrophila and Evaluation of Its Pathological Effects on Koi Fish (Cyprinus carpio). Iran J Med Microbiol 2021; 15 (4) :465-476
1- Department of Aquatic Health and Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Biology, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran ,
3- Department of Aquatic Health and Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4- Department of Veterinary Medicine, Maku Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maku, Iran
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Aeromonas hydrophila is a Gram-negative bacillus found in aquatic environments, drinking water, sewage, and food (1). This bacterium can be isolated from estuaries, seawater, and freshwater (1-3). Freshwater environments, especially those rich in mineral materials, are the natural habitat of A. hydrophila; however, recent evidence suggests that this organism can also be found as a part of intestinal flora in fish (4).
The bacterium is known to be a pathogenic microor-ganism in fish, causing a wide range of diseases, incl-uding motile Aeromonas septicemia in carp, tilapia, catfish, and salmon, the red spot disease in bass and carp, and wound-associated infections (e.g., Epizootic ulcerative syndrome) in catfish, cod, and carp (5). Aeromonas septicemia usually occurs when fish are under stressful conditions such as high-temperature and poor-quality water, hypoxia, parasitic infections, high density, manipulation, and transport (6, 7); it may cause chronic inflammation for several weeks, gradua-lly increasing the mortality rate. Factors like mortality associated with this bacterial infection, its manage-ment, and its treatment costs, highly inflict the fish farming industry (8, 9). Also, A. hydrophila can cause localized tissue damage in the host, including tissue degeneration and inflammation (10, 11).
Another important point about this bacterium is that in addition to fish, it can lead to zoonotic disease in amphibians and reptiles, which can also be patho-genic for mammals, including humans (2, 8, 11, 12). In fact, it is known as an emerging pathogen for humans (1). Consequently, the presence of drug-resistant A. hydrophilic in aquariums becomes important regard-ing multiple public health aspects (13).
Koi (fancy carp Cyprinus carpio L. var. Koi) is an expensive ornamental freshwater fish that is often inflicted by infectious diseases, such as A. hydrophila, eventually leading to their death (14), raising environ-mental concerns (15) and zoonotic hazards (13). Based on the above and the importance of A. hydrophila infection in Koi fish, which leads to high mortality in fish, in the present study, we reported the isolation of A. hydrophila bacteria from the Koi fish transferred from farm ponds to the aquariums of a research center. The bacteria were identified using microbial culture methods, and pathological changes in the gills, liver, and kidneys were assessed to determine the pathological effects of this infection on this valuable ornamental fish.


Case Report

In the summer of 2017, 50 pieces of Koi fish (with an average weight of 25 ± 2 grams and a mean length of 24 ± 3 cm) were transferred from one of the concrete ponds of the Koi Fish Farming and Breeding Center in Shahriar city to the Razef Research Center, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Then, the fish were randomly divided into five tanks (170 L) (10 fish per tank). After a few days after the transfer, all the fish developed similar macroscopic symptoms, including darkening of the skin, abdominal petechiae, skin lesions, corneal opacity and anophthalmia, lethargy, immobility, imba-lance, anorexia, and seating on the floor of the aquar-ium. After observing these clinical signs, we took the necessary measures (including autopsy for obtaining samples from the skin and internal organs for patho-logical and microbial examination). As this study was a case report, seven fish presenting these clinical signs were randomly caught from each tank (a total of 35 fish). After anesthesia by clove powder, sampling was performed to obtain specimens from the skin and internal organs and identify the pathogenic agent. All the histological and microbial examinations were conducted under completely sterile conditions.
Liver, gill, and kidney samples were initially washed with the physiological serum and then completely homogenized using a tissue homogenizer. Afterward, the specimens were cultured on Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar) medium and incubated at 28°C for two days. After this step, the grown colonies were re-cultured on BHI Agar medium; the motile, oxidase-positive, and glucose fermenter bacteria suspected as Aeromonas spp., underwent further biochemical and physiological analyses. The confirmatory tests at this step included: H2S production, urease test, citrate reduction, indole production, nitrate reduction, gro-wth on MacConkey medium, and the fermentation of carbohydrates (glucose, inositol, sucrose, sorbitol, arabinose, and mannitol) (16).
For histological examinations, gill, liver and kidney samples were initially fixed in formalin buffer 10% for 48 hours. Then the fixed samples were placed in para-ffin after dewatering and clearing with xylene. Tissue sections with a diameter of 5 µm were prepared using a microtome device and stained by hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E). The prepared histological slides were examined by optical microscope (Olympus BX51; Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) to evaluate pathological features (17).
The results of the microbial tests showed that 48% of septicemia cases (24 samples) were caused by A. hydrophila (Figure 1). In autopsy specimens, in addi-tion to petechiae and skin darkening and ulcerative lesions, the internal organs were pale, and the liver was enlarged with observable petechiae on its surface (Figure 2). In the microscopic examination of the gills, we observed collapsed and swollen secondary lame-llae, the swelling, and shortening of lamellae and their complete destruction, as well as the edema of gill filaments. In addition, the epithelial detachment was observed along with the detachment of the lamellar epithelium outer layer. Congestion was evident in the primary and secondary lamellae (Figure 3 A and B). In the kidney, the infiltration of inflammatory cells (neut-rophils) was evident in vessels and renal parenchyma (Figure 3C). The most prominent changes in the liver were irregular hepatic fibers, nuclear pyknosis, and cytoplasmic vacuolation. In addition, varying degrees of pancreatic cell degeneration were evident in some parts (Figure 3D).

Figure 1. The identification of Aeromonas hydrophila bacterium in the studied samples 
Figure 1. The identification of Aeromonas hydrophila bacterium in the studied samples
Figure 2. The darkening of the skin (A), ulcerative skin lesions (B), petechiae on the skin surface (the white arrow) (C), the enlargement of the liver, pale internal organs, and petechiae on the liver surface (the black arrow) (D). 
Figure 2. The darkening of the skin (A), ulcerative skin lesions (B), petechiae on the skin surface (the white arrow) (C), the enlargement of the liver, pale internal organs, and petechiae on the liver surface (the black arrow) (D).

Figure 3. Gill, kidney, and liver histopathological examination. NO: normal gill blades, Ne: acute necrosis, Ca: gill cartilage, black arrow: the necrosis of epithelial and mucosal cells, white arrow: infiltration of inflammatory cells, arrow tip: the necrosis of hepatocytes, star: pancreatic cell degeneration. A: Gills (40X), B: Gills (400X), C: Kidney, D: Liver, H&E staining. 
Figure 3. Gill, kidney, and liver histopathological examination. NO: normal gill blades, Ne: acute necrosis, Ca: gill cartilage, black arrow: the necrosis of epithelial and mucosal cells, white arrow: infiltration of inflammatory cells, arrow tip: the necrosis of hepatocytes, star: pancreatic cell degeneration. A: Gills (40X), B: Gills (400X), C: Kidney, D: Liver, H&E staining. 



The present study identified A. hydrophila bacteria in Koi fish, which is known as one of the most critical lethal pathogens in various carp fish (9). Aeromonas bacteria are a part of the water's natural flora, as well as fish. Still, they can become opportunistic pathogens causing super-acute epidemics (e.g., Aeromonas hydr-ophila pathotype) under certain conditions, including environmental stresses. This event can cause consi-derable casualties in the aquaculture industry (18, 19), often occurring within a few hours of the disease onset (20). In the present study, it can be said that transport stress and reduced immune function of fish could have been contributors to the outbreak. This is in line with the notion that Aeromonas bacteria are opportunistic pathogens that can only cause disease in immunocompromised fish (21). In Iran, several studies have investigated A. hydrophila infection in various fish, including goldfish (22), angelfish (23), and common carp (24).
In the autopsy examination of the obtained samples, wounds and bleeding spots were evident on the body's surface, as well as the abdomen and inter-nal organs. These findings were similar to the symp-toms observed in the study of Stratev et al. in 2015 (11). Many studies have shown that chronic infection with A. hydrophila is associated with ulcerative skin lesions and local bleeding and inflammation (10).
In our study, histological examinations showed multiple tissue damages in the gills, liver, and kidneys. These included necrosis, inflammation, and hemorr-hage in the gills, inflammation in the kidney, necrosis, and nuclear pyknosis in hepatocytes. In several studies examining the histological features of A. hydrophila infection, similar findings have been reported (11, 25-29). In this regard, degenerative histological changes due to A. hydrophila infection have been reported in organs such as the gills, kidneys, and liver (10). Also, in line with the present study in which tissue damages in the gills were prominent, Al Yahya et al. (2018) (10) and Cookiyaei et al. (2012) (30) also reported necrosis in gill blades and hemorrhage in gills due to A. hydrophila infection. One of the significant issues in the histopathological features of A. hydrophila infec-tion is that most tissue damage due to this bacterium has been observed in the liver and kidneys (11). In fact, the liver can be considered the target organ of A. hydrophila (10). In the histological evaluation of the kidney, similar to the study of Sellegounder et al. (2018), infiltration of inflammatory cells was observed (31). In a study considering Nile tilapia, bleeding foci were observed in the kidney due to a bacterial infection (32). In the examination of the liver and pancreas tissues, we noticed vacuolation and nuclear pyknosis, as well as the necrosis of hepatocytes and pancreatic cells, which were similar to the results of other studies (10, 31, 33). In a study, Afifi et al. (2000) attributed these changes to the toxins and extra-cellular compounds released by A. hydrophila, inclu-ding hemolysin, proteases, and elastase, in the liver, leading to severe tissue damage and necrosis (34).



The results of the present study showed that freshwater fish are always prone to Aeromonas spp. infections. According to our research, pathological changes in the gills, liver, and kidneys can be suitable biomarkers for assessing the pathogenicity of A. hydrophila in Koi fish. In addition, Aeromonas species can be a threat to public health, especially for those who are in contact with sick fish. Therefore, the proper management of water quality and food health and the quarantine of new fish can play a significant role in preventing and controlling A. hydrophila infection in fish and avoiding its transmission to humans.



We sincerely thank all the colleagues at Razaf Research Center who assisted us in conducting this research.


Conflicts of Interest

The authors declared no conflicts of interest.


Type of Study: Case report Article | Subject: Zoonoses Research
Received: 2021/02/18 | Accepted: 2021/06/5 | ePublished: 2021/08/16

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