year 11, Issue 2 (May - June 2017)                   Iran J Med Microbiol 2017, 11(2): 81-86 | Back to browse issues page

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Reiisi S, Shahi H, Shahi S, Damavandi M S. Determination of ABO/Rh blood group, sex and age with severity of Helicobacter pylori infection in Iranian gastrointestinal patients. Iran J Med Microbiol 2017; 11 (2) :81-86
1- Department of Genetic, Faculty of basic science, Shahrekoed University, Shahrekord, Iran
2- Departmant of Immunology, Faculty of medicine, AJA medical university, Tehran, Iran ,
3- Department of Nursing, Nurse and midwifery faculty, Astara branch Islamic azad University, Astara, Iran
4- Departmant of Immunology and Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Shahrekord Medical University, Shahrekord, Iran
Abstract:   (9544 Views)

Background and Aims: Helicobacter pylori infection currently become as an endemic worldwide health issue. The infection causes variety of gastrointestinal diseases. The role of blood groups is established in body’s response to microorganisms and the development of gastrointestinal disorders. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between blood groups, age and gender of Iranian population and the severity of infection with this bacteria.

Materials and Methods: The study included 160 patients with dyspepsia symptoms referred to Hajar hospital in Shahrekord. Biopsy specimens were investigated in terms of being infected with H. pylori by using PCR for 16SRNA gene and glmM gene and blood groups of patients were determined by using hemagglutination routine test.

Results and Conclusions: It was observed that 61.87% of patients were positive in terms of bacteria existence and 61 of them were negative. 62.26% of infected patients with bacteria were female. The highest frequency of ABO blood groups among infected patients, belongs to O blood group with 40.66 percent (P>0.05). H. pylori was found in 77.12% of Rh+ patients (P<0.05). There is not significant relation between sex and age with infection (p> 0.05). The severity of this bacterial disease were observed in patients with blood group O more than others (P< 0.05). Rh positive in infected patients and O blood group may cause to severity of H. pylori infection.

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Type of Study: Brief Original Article | Subject: Medical Bacteriology
Received: 2016/04/27 | Accepted: 2017/05/9 | ePublished: 2017/06/7

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