year 15, Issue 2 (March - April 2021)                   Iran J Med Microbiol 2021, 15(2): 189-194 | Back to browse issues page

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Jabin T, Siam E A, Dipu M R, Asaduzzaman M, Uddin A. Phenotypic characterization of Salmonella typhi from clinical specimens and determination of the drug susceptibility pattern of the isolates. Iran J Med Microbiol 2021; 15 (2) :189-194
1- Department of Microbiology, Stamford University Bangladesh, 51 Siddeswari Road, Dhaka 1217, Bangladesh.
2- Department of Microbiology, Stamford University Bangladesh, 51 Siddeswari Road, Dhaka 1217, Bangladesh. ,
Abstract:   (2833 Views)

Background and Objective: Salmonella typhi infection occurs in most endemic areas. Patients suspected of typhoid fever located in the Badda and Shantinagar localities of Dhaka were the studied population. A total of 107 blood specimens were collected.
This study attempted to determine the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Salmonella typhi among different age and gender groups having clinical symptoms of typhoid fever.
Materials and Methods: The microorganisms obtained from blood specimens were identified by phenotypical and biochemical tests following standard protocols. Antibiotic susceptibility test was done by the Agar-disc-diffusion method to understand antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates. All the Salmonella typhi isolates were serologically confirmed using a commercial antisera kit.
Results and Conclusion: Out of 107, 74 Salmonella typhi isolates showed multidrug-resistant properties. Nalidixic acid, ampicillin, azithromycin, and ciprofloxacin showed high antibiotic resistance percentage. On the other hand meropenem, amikacin, gentamycin showed low antibiotic resistance. Age and sex groups also revealed significant attributes to the multidrug-resistant isolates. Multidrug-resistant pattern of the clinical isolates of Salmonella typhi of the current study has presented a matter of great public health concern in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The first line of antibiotics can be prescribed, taking into consideration of age and gender. The sources of Salmonella typhi infection and mode of transmission must be identified.

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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Antibiotic Resistance
Received: 2020/05/13 | Accepted: 2020/12/28 | ePublished: 2021/04/9

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